Official Discord Servers
Official Discord servers are communities that are run by Discord employees, they are mostly servers for various programs and are generally used for Discord contributors to gather around a specific topic. For example, the Discord Developers server is used by bot developers to network and seek help regarding Discords official API.
Discord Developers
Discord Developers is an official server used for discussing and seeking support for Discord's API.
Discord Town Hall
Discord Town Hall is an official server for general chatting and meeting other users of Discord, they regularly hold events to discuss things happening on Discord.
Discord Games Lab
Discord Games Lab is the official server for Discord's official games, often called activities.
Discord Safety
Discord Safety is Discord's server about safety on the platform. This server is currently under construction.
Discord Admins
Discord Admins is a server for like-minded Discord moderators and admins. To join this server you must have administrator on a server with 40% retention rate.
Discord Test Garden
The Discord Test Garden is a private server for members of Discord's testing programme. Users of this server get to test upcoming features and provide feedback before anybody else.