Official Discord Forms

Official Discord Forms are forms created by Discord employees for various uses such as filing reports, submitting feedback and contacting Discord staff in general. These are the official avenues for contacting Discord employees.

Support Form

This is the general support form for Discord, this should cover all of your support needs.

Feedback Form

This is the form for submitting feedback and feature ideas to the Discord team.

Discord Bug Reports

Contact Discord to report bugs and exploits on the platform.

Discord Trust & Safety

This is the form for submitting a request to the Discord trust and safety team or filing reports.

Discord Billing

Contact Discord support about billing related issues.

Discord Community Programs

Contact Discord about community programs such as hypesquad or partnership.

Discord Language Feedback

Contact Discord to give feedback on language options and localization support.

Discord Accessibility

Contact Discord to give feedback on accessibility / a11y issues.

Discord Game Developer Support

Contact Discord for support on game development issues.

Discord Verification

This form is closed - Apply to become a verified Discord server.

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