Generate an image based on a text prompt in under 60 seconds using the command!
About Midjourney
Use Midjourney bot to create images of whatever you can imagine in 60 seconds or less. Just type /imagine and then what you want to see. Bring the bot into a room with friends and create spaces filled with imagination.Tags
Midjourney Bot Command List
Some popular commands for the Midjourney Discord Bot, you can see a full list by doing /help in Discord.
View information about your profile.
Writes a prompt based on your image.
View and adjust your personal settings.
Blend images together seamlessly!
Create images with Midjourney
Midjourney Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Midjourney Discord Bot are answered here.
What is the Midjourney Discord bot invite?
The Discord bot invite for Midjourney is: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=936929561302675456&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Is the Midjourney Discord bot offline??
The Midjourney Discord bot was last reported as being online, if you continue to experience issues please join their support server for help.
What is the Midjourney bot ID?
The bot id for Midjourney is 936929561302675456