Ticket Tool
• 2,700,534 Servers
Ticket Tool - Ticketing without clutter. Support, Sales or Suggestions Ticket Tool can do it all. Ticket Bot
About Ticket Tool
Ticket Tool is a support bot that focuses on ease of use and clean design. Features: Ticket Panels: Tickets are created using panels with reactions to keep your channel clean Customization: Customize almost everything you can see and more Reaction Controls: Once a panel is created everything is controlled with reactions Close Tickets: Tickets can be closed and reopened to allow continued support.Tags
Ticket Tool Bot Command List
Some popular commands for the Ticket Tool Discord Bot, you can see a full list by doing /help in Discord.
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Ticket Tool Bot FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Ticket Tool Discord Bot are answered here.
What is the Ticket Tool Discord bot invite?
The Discord bot invite for Ticket Tool is: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=557628352828014614&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Is the Ticket Tool Discord bot offline??
The Ticket Tool Discord bot was last reported as being online, if you continue to experience issues please join their support server for help.
What is the Ticket Tool bot ID?
The bot id for Ticket Tool is 557628352828014614